The PHP web development process includes several stages right from design to development. There’re also many other tasks involved that support the PHP web development procedure. A great deal of planning & analysis is involved before the beginning of the actual development of the project.

Development process:

It’s critical to comprehend what the site is all about before the starting of the development process. For instance, the site may be an eCommerce site, nonetheless it’s critical to be aware of what sort of content that’s needed on pages & what products are to be sold to design it properly and ensure it attracts people of the appropriate age group & region. Therefore, the development process involves many stages stated below:

Project analysis:

This is a critical stage of the PHP web development practice. This includes the process of requirements gathering & setting the objective of the project. All the aspects like project expenses, project feasibility and web development needs are considered throughout this phase of development. The project requirement analysis is conducted at this stage, which usually involves a significant level of consultation with the client.


The procedure of website design has a significant influence on the afterward stages of the project. Therefore this should be conducted with great care. This process included documentation of the design of the project like the interface & functional features that are needed. Any special needs as per client request should be addressed during this stage.


The process of development includes the development of the site layout or interface. This is generally conducted by the website designer who utilizes tools such as Photoshop & HTML editors. Also the functionality of the site is developed during this stage. This involves programming using languages such as HTML, PHP, JavaScript and several other technologies.


This stage involves shifting the site from the development setting to the production setting & set up the project for testing.


Though the project is meticulously tested during each stage of development, it’s critical to setup appropriate test cases at the conclusion of the project development phase. This is critical to ensure all the needs are fulfilled & that there’re no bugs.


The web development process doesn’t end after acceptance & development. The web development company in Kuala Lumpur is also accountable for the maintenance of the site which may include negligible tweaks, updating or upgrading according to the agreement with the client.

 iTech47 is a reputed Web Development Company in Malaysia that has been around sicne a long time. They’ve developed websites for clients from countries across the globe. They’ve a passionate crew of web developers who use the state-of-the-art resources to develop functional websites. These developers are highly skilled and experienced in PHP and also have also specialization in mobile application development. If you need to appoint a professional web development company in Kuala Lumpur, it’s safe to choose iTech47.

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