Experience Thrilling African Safari Tours in Kenya’s Breathtaking Landscapes

If you’re seeking an adventure like no other, an African safari in Kenya is the ultimate choice. Kenya, a country rich in wildlife and natural wonders, offers an unforgettable experience through its African Safari Kenya tours. Drunken Elephant Mara, a renowned company, specializes in providing exhilarating safari adventures that allow you to explore the diverse and awe-inspiring landscapes of this incredible nation.

Embarking on the Safari of a Lifetime

Imagine waking up to the sounds of the wild, the sun rising over the horizon, and the anticipation of encountering Africa’s majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Drunken Elephant Mara offers African Safari Tours that take you on a journey through Kenya’s most breathtaking landscapes. From the iconic Maasai Mara National Reserve to the vast Amboseli National Park, each destination is carefully curated to immerse you in the heart of Africa’s wildlife.

Exploring the Maasai Mara National Reserve

The Maasai Mara is renowned for its abundance of wildlife and the annual Great Migration, a phenomenon where millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals traverse the plains in search of fresh grazing grounds. During your African Safari Kenya tour, witness this breathtaking spectacle and witness predators like lions and cheetahs on the prowl. Drunken Elephant Mara’s expert guides ensure you get the best views and capture unforgettable moments.

African Safari Kenya

Encountering Magnificent Wildlife in Amboseli National Park

The Amboseli National Park, with the magnificent Mount Kilimanjaro as its backdrop, offers a unique safari experience. Here, you can spot vast herds of elephants roaming freely, often coming close to your safari vehicle. Drunken Elephant Mara’s knowledgeable guides share valuable insights into the behavior and habitat of these incredible creatures, ensuring a meaningful encounter with Kenya’s wildlife.

A Fusion of Adventure and Comfort

Drunken Elephant Mara understands the importance of comfort during your safari tour. That’s why their luxury safari lodges and camps are strategically located to provide stunning views while offering all the modern amenities you need. After a day of thrilling encounters, retreat to your well-appointed accommodation, where you can relax and recharge for the next day’s adventure.

Your Safety is Paramount

African Safari Tours can be thrilling and adventurous, but safety is always a top priority with Drunken Elephant Mara. Their experienced guides are trained to navigate through the wilderness and ensure your security throughout the journey. With their in-depth knowledge of the land and wildlife, you can fully immerse yourself in the experience without any worries.

African Safari Kenya

Booking Your Adventure

To embark on an extraordinary African Safari Kenya adventure, simply visit the Drunken Elephant Mara website. There, you’ll find detailed information about their safari packages and a wide range of options to suit your preferences and budget.

For any inquiries or to book your safari tour, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at adventure@drunkenelephantmara.com. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff will assist you in planning the safari of your dreams.


An African safari in Kenya with Drunken Elephant Mara promises an extraordinary adventure filled with thrilling wildlife encounters and the splendor of Kenya’s landscapes. From the iconic Maasai Mara to the awe-inspiring Amboseli, each moment will be etched in your memory forever. So, pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for the journey of a lifetime. Experience the magic of Kenya and its magnificent wildlife with an unforgettable African Safari Tours today!

Unforgettable Luxury Camping Safaris in Kenya’s National Parks and Reserves

Discover the Maasai Mara:

The Maasai Mara National Reserve, situated in the southwest of Kenya, is renowned for its incredible wildlife, awe-inspiring wildebeest migration, and warm hospitality. The local Maasai people, known for their colorful attire, possess an innate connection with their surroundings and make excellent guides. Embark on horseback rides to witness the majestic Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhino), while encountering various bird species and other wildlife. The sight of nearly 2 million wildebeest, zebras, and Thomson’s gazelles migrating across the Serengeti-Mara grasslands is an unforgettable experience.

National Reserves

A Journey to Tsavo:

For an exhilarating camping safari in Kenya, a visit to Tsavo National Park is a must. Located between Nairobi and Mombasa, this park is divided into Tsavo West and Tsavo East. While the park is characterized by just two rivers, the underground springs at Mzima provide a tranquil sanctuary for hippos, elephants, crocodiles, and numerous other animals. Tsavo is also home to an array of captivating wildlife, including eland, lions, leopards, giraffes, hartebeests, dik-diks, zebras, cheetahs, and more.

Exploring Amboseli National Park:

Situated 260 km from Nairobi on the border with Tanzania, Amboseli National Park is the second-most famous animal park in Kenya, following Maasai Mara. The park is renowned for its vast herds of free-ranging African elephants, with over 900 individuals roaming the area. In addition to elephants, Amboseli is home to a diverse range of animals such as giraffes, African lions, monkeys, zebras, hyenas, antelope, and a rich variety of bird species. Keep your eyes peeled and relish every sighting for an exceptional wildlife experience.

National Reserves


While you may have embarked on various vacations in the past, a deluxe-tented safari in Kenya is an unparalleled adventure. Exploring the untamed wilderness of Kenya on horseback will leave an indelible mark on your memory. Join Drunken Elephant Mara, a premier safari operator, and let them guide you through the captivating national parks and game reserves of Kenya. The breathtaking landscapes and incredible wildlife will undoubtedly create lasting memories for a lifetime.

About the author:

This article was written by Drunken Elephant Mara, a leading safari operator specializing in curated camping safaris designed for adventure seekers seeking the ultimate wilderness experience.

Unforgettable Masai Mara Adventure: Luxurious Tented Camps to Explore the African Wilderness

Masai Mara is a world-renowned safari location, offering incredible wildlife viewing opportunities all year round. Whether you want to witness the Great Migration or simply explore the stunning African wilderness, a stay at a tented camp in Kenya is the perfect way to immerse yourself in nature.

Drunken Elephant Mara is a luxurious permanent camp near the Maasai Mara National Reserve, offering exclusive tented accommodation for guests of all ages. With only seven safari tents, you can enjoy privacy and exclusivity while surrounded by the stunning beauty of the Mara.

safari tents

The minimalist design of the safari tents perfectly complements the overwhelming natural surroundings, allowing you to fully appreciate the awe-inspiring African wilderness. You can witness the incredible interaction between predators and prey, providing constant entertainment for all ages.

The camp staff are primarily from the local Maasai community, providing you with an authentic cultural experience while supporting the local community. With expert guides, you can explore the diverse and wildlife-rich plains of the Masai Mara Reserve while keeping a safe distance from the wildlife.

Whether you’re a solo traveler or with family, the tented camps offer a perfect home base for adventurous safari activities in Kenya. At night, you can retreat to the comfort of your safari tent, nestled in the stunning landscape. The camp runs on solar power with a backup generator for those times of no sunlight and a booster system for water heating.

safari tents


A stay at a tented camp in Masai Mara is a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty of Africa in comfort and style. Whether you’re seeking adventure or relaxation, the luxurious tented camps offer personalized service and a true immersion in nature. By supporting the local community and conservation efforts, you can make a positive impact while enjoying an unforgettable safari adventure.

Authors Bio

This article is written by Drunken Elephant Mara- which offers ultimate safari tents & tented camps in Kenya & lets you feel the uniqueness of serene African natural beauty.

African Safari Tours In Kenya – 6 Things You Shouldn’t Miss In Masai Mara

If you have not checked it out yourself, then a tailor-made African safari tour is right for you. Here are a few things you should not forget to do on your African safari tour in Kenya:

Use your foot to explore the open Savannah:

Get connected with your spirit of adventure once more and follow the footsteps of historic explorers & local experts on a once-in-a-lifetime guided walking safari. Experience the real adventure without the sound of a safari vehicle, breathe in the fresh air, witness the never-ending horizon & admire the African soil on foot. 

Go for a hot air balloon safari to get an aerial view:

Get up early in the morning & board a life-changing hot air balloon safari on top of the gigantic Mara plains. Ascent peacefully & relish the stunning bird’s eye view of each animal underneath (the great wildebeest migration if you are fortunate). Getting an aerial view is a remarkable experience that ends with a memorable, appetizing champagne buffet in the center of the Mara. 

African safari tours

Opt for a community visit to interact with the Masai people:

No African safari tour would be accomplished without a genuine cultural experience. The African safari in Kenya gets you very close to the absorbing Maasai folks. They’ll invite you into their mud & stick manyattas and witness their pastoral world & time-honored traditions. 

Don’t miss a horseback safari:

Like the old explorers, this is a fascinating way to discover the Mara. It’s a new way to see the vast landscape without the obnoxious sound of safari trucks. Just imagine galloping past herds of zebras, giraffes and if the time is perfect you may even come across the herds of Great migration. 

Witness the sunset with the Masai Warriors:

Drive to witness the most amazing sundowners overlooking the massive Mara plains, and also the famous Serengeti in the distance. Observe the sun gently dipping over the horizon and the Maasai Warriors performing their classical song & dance. 

African safari tours

Observe the thundering roars of the great migration:

No doubt one of the fascinating wonders of the natural world, the great wildebeest migration is the annual trek of 2 million plant-eating animals across the Mara/Serengeti ecosystem. Though massive groups of roaring Gnus can be witnessed throughout the year, the famous exhilarating Mara River crossing (July-October) is an absolute must for any wildlife enthusiast.  


Leading tour operators in Kenya believe that the best African safari tours are something tailored to your dream. For most tourists keen on African wildlife viewing, a visit to Masai Mara throughout the migration time is adequate to meet their safari thirst. Driving through the bushes of this wildlife sanctuary may itself be a memorable experience for some people. A reliable tour operator is all you need to fulfill your dream of witnessing the Masai Mara and the opulence of wildlife and its natural scenic features. 

Authors Bio

This article is written by Drunken Elephant Mara- A leading safari operator based in Kenya has dedicated and highly experienced staff, safari guides, and drivers to help every visitor in enjoying memorable African safari tours.

Masai Mara balloon safari- an extraordinary way to experience the wild

There’s nothing quite like the Masai Mara balloon safari! You have the freedom and exhilaration while flying against a backdrop of stunning sunrises & high above the plains of Masai Mara. The idea of traveling from above the sky during your vacation may sound more exciting than pleasant. However, the experience is priceless, and the view is unmatched. Set your alarm for between 4:00 and 5:00 am, but the benefits of going on this high-flying Masai Mara balloon safari excursion well exceed the inconvenience. 

It is a beautiful experience when the guide takes you to the balloon launch pad. It will make you excited, and you will feel how your anticipation is growing. The balloon takes off at the break of dawn, around 5 to 6 am. You’ll feel more eager as your guide leads you to the balloon launch pad. The balloon crew will prepare your balloon for take-off and inflate it while you sip on a nice cup of coffee or tea. Your pilot will brief you when the balloon is filled and after you’ve climbed into the basket underneath it before launching the balloon. Your balloon will gradually ascend to the skies as the sun begins to rise in a beautiful display of blazing reds and golds. 

balloon safari

Gliding gently over the savannah plains below, you might see many animals. The Kenya Masai Mara hot air balloon safari is an unquestionable “once in a lifetime experience”! You will have an opportunity to see the “Great Migration” as you soar over the African plains if you visit the Masai Mara during July and October. There is nothing quite like the sight of herds of wildebeest, zebras, and gazelles migrating. One of the most significant ways to appreciate the scale of what is happening is to soar above the packs in a hot air balloon. Predators like lions pursuing their prey, leopards poised high in trees, and busy hyenas are among the other breathtaking sights to view. Other thrilling things include observing leopards sitting high in trees, active hyena dens, and predators like lions chasing their food. Every hot air balloon ride offers the chance to discover intriguing new sights below. Your pilot will take care to occasionally fly at a lower altitude to enable the taking of the best potential images.

A memorable experience is hot air ballooning above the Masai Mara plains. Leading camp operators in Masai Mara organize Kenya Masai Mara hot air balloons that let you have the chance to enjoy any safari you take to Maasai Mara. The hour-long flight is followed by a “Champagne Bush Breakfast” at the remote balloon landing site. A fully licensed and skilled pilot flies the balloon, and specialized companies often construct hot air balloons. The basket sizes vary, and booking the ride in advance is best as space is typically limited to a maximum of 10-15 passengers per big size bucket in a balloon. It may be less if flying with a smaller basket.

balloon safari


Drunken Elephant Mara arranges departures for a Masai Mara balloon safari from their lodges and camps near Masai Mara National Reserve. They strongly recommend booking a balloon safari in advance, as it is a popular activity during the peak season. Please remember to bring some warm clothing and a bag in which you can secure your camera, binoculars, and other personal items.

Authors Bio

This article is written by Drunken Elephant Mara- A leading camp & safari operator who offers you the adventurous and exciting travel experience which you would love to share with others.Â