When it comes to purchasing a Balboa panel, you should match it with the type that you have currently. Most controllers are ideal options for the spa pack model you have. A Balboa Display is fully waterproof and comes with the unique sealing two side tape allowing you for quick replacement.

For the right selection of Balboa Controller, it’s highly suggested that you should check the right size of your existing hole on your hot tub. If the existing hole is larger than the new Balboa Panel, you will need to buy a special cover plate to fill the hole perfectly. It’s recommended to buy a Balboa Display with a LCD display. However, a red LED display works better during night; but very hard to read during sunlight.

Here are some of the best Balboa topside controls you should consider for your hot tub:

Balboa VL200 Min-Oval LCD Light Duplex Jets 4-Button Panel PN 52144

PN 52144 is a four button VL200 light duplex LCD control panel used with duplex spa packs like the VS501Z, GS501Z, etc. This topside control comes with 7 ft cable, 8 pin RJ45 Ethernet style connector. The PN 52144 is of 4.3 in width x 1.6 in height and available with one year warranty.

Balboa VL260 Top Side Panel 4 Button Mini-Lite Duplex LCDTop of Form Panel PN 55559

PN 55559 is a four button – Aux, Jets, Light and Temp, VL260 Light Duplex LCD Control panel by Balboa. It’s used with duplex spa packs like the VS501Z, GS501Z, etc and comes with 7 ft cable, 8 pin Rj45 Ethernet style connector. This topside control is of size 7 in width x 2 in height and available with one year warranty.

Balboa VL-401 LCD 4-Button Panel with Northern Lights Alternate Layout Overlay PN 52424-01

PN 52424-01 is a four button – Jets, Light, Cool and Warm VL401 Light duplex LCD control panel, utilized with duplex spa packs, VS501Z, GS501Z, etc.   This Northern Lights Alternate Layout Overlay needs the alternate overlay setting on the spa packs. It comes with 8 feet cable, 8 pins RJ45 Ethernet style connector and has size 6.3 in width x 2.2 in height. This topside control is available with one year warranty.

Balboa VL-401 LCD 4-Button Panel with Standard Layout Balboa Overlay PN 52424-01

PN 52424-01 is a 4 button – Blower, Temp, Jets, and Light, VL401 Light Duplex LCD control panel and is ideal for duplex spa packs like the VS501Z, GS501Z, etc.  You will get 8 feet cable and 8 pin RJ45 Ethernet style connector along with one year guarantee in this topside control.

Balboa Model VL701S Rectangular Serial Panel PN 53189-0 

PN 53189-0 comes with standard button layout of the VL701S series panel. This LCD panel is ideal for use with serial Balboa spa packs with S designation like VS520SZ, VS510SZ, GS520SZ, etc. It uses 8-wire cable of 8 ft long with RJ45 Ethernet style connector. This control panel is of size 7.4 in wide x 3.3 in high and has buttons like Blower, Jets1, Jets2, Mode, Warm and Cool.

Final Consideration –

When it comes to choosing control panel for your hot tubs, Balboa topside controls are considered as one of the most reliable controllers available in the market. Though there’s a huge availability of Balboa series controllers, do a thorough research and make a right choice for your hot tub.

This article is written by Cedar Tubs Direct, specializes in providing Balboa spa controllers, Balboa spa heaters, Balboa Replacement Boards, hot tub pumps, mineral ionizer, etc. for smooth hot tub operation.