The executive summary is not something that you should write in a hurry once you’re done with writing your business plan. Instead, you should create a proper outline of executive summary. This section is all about focusing on basics and the important points.

The summary must comprise of elements to create your business potential as everyone doesn’t want to read the entire business plan. Therefore, it’s highly suggested to include a well-written executive summary to stir the interests of readers.

When it comes to writing your own business plan to represent yourself to third party users like investors, banks and immigration, you should hire professional business plan writing services . Here are a few useful tips to help you write the best executive summary:

Make it more interesting and brief.
Your executive summary should be the gist of your business plan. Obviously, you may find quite challenging to write down the entire plan into a few words. But there’s no rule of thumb for writing a summary. It should be maximum 1-2 pages long. You should consider following things while creating an executive summary:

• Consider it as your selling point
• Never include explanations or jargons
• Cover key metrics representing your ability and performance
• Don’t include any charts, figures or graphs
• Use it as an elevator pitch

Focus on market opportunities.
First of all, you should clearly mention business opportunities in your executive summary. Describe them in a few sentences to help the readers to know about. Then, write on how your business will take advantage of market opportunities. Lastly, focus on your target market or audience.

Check out the following things to do to learn about market opportunities.

• Do a thorough research on market.
• Understand your target audience.
• Research on competitors and industry.
• Follow the marketing analysis part of your business plan.

Discuss competitive benefits.
Doing competitive analysis is a significant part of your marketing tactics. It will help you know how to get succeed in the market. You should share a few thoughts on competition and important competitive benefits. Even you can connect market opportunities with your competitive advantage to create a strong viability.

Take an account of important financial details.
Financial metrics is something that speak to investors directly. Most startup companies include an entire paragraph on financial projections because of their ability in attracting more funds. The financial details of your business you can include in your executive summary:

• First year revenues
• Growth rate for a few years
• Cost of sales
• Annual net income

Remember that, you don’t need to go deep into the financial projections as there’s an entire section included in your business plan for the same explanation.

Write down executive summary after your busines plan.

An executive summary should include the essence of your business plan. Therefore, you’ve to prepare your business plan first and then write down the summary. Though the business plan writing is done, you know what it contains and can easily grab the gist.

• Narrow down key pointers that show your business in good light.
• Create bullet points from different sections of your business plan to highlight main points.
• Make a right selection and write down your summary based on them.

Final Consideration –
An executive summary should be written in a way to make investors curious to learn more about your business. Even if you’re not that much good with words, you should count on a professional business plan writer to help you out. Do a thorough research on business plan writing services and find the right business plan writer best suiting your needs.

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