Reasons to Become a Qualified Mediator


Mediation is one of the best and popular alternative dispute resolution techniques when it comes to resolving conflicts in the workplace. That is why; being a qualified mediator has numerous perks. So if you have good communication skills and problem solving abilities then choosing to be a mediator as your career path can be a great choice.

Mediation is a practice which people from all walks of life and professional backgrounds need at some point of their lives. And anyone can become a mediator as well as there is no such stringent rule for the same. If you find resolving issues and finding out solutions interesting or have keen interest in alternative dispute resolution and have strong communication skills and problem solving abilities then you can choose to be a qualified mediator as your career.

If you are unsure about choosing mediation as your career path, despite having all the qualities mentioned above, then take a look at some of the best reasons to become a qualified mediator below.

Mediators Offer A Better Alternative to Court Proceedings

Court proceedings for conflict resolution are expensive, time consuming, stressful with less guarantee on getting outcomes that benefit both parties. On the contrary, mediation is a process that is much more “humane” while being cost effective, time saving and most importantly more supportive. Usually, mediation is confidential and a much faster process as compared to resolving conflicts through the courts. Here, clients are allowed to schedule the time and choose the meeting place as per their convenience. And a qualified mediator tries his/her best to diffuse tensions and ensure that everyone gets the chance to be heard.

A good and qualified mediator finds out the underlying emotions, grievances and root causes that drive conflict and with good communication and problem solving abilities provides beneficial outcomes for both parties involved.

Mediators Help People Get Relief from Conflict, Stress and Anger

Often people involved in conflicts face stress, anger and many other negative emotions that bring them down and create more issues. Be it a workplace conflict or a legal battle, the experience can drain out so much energy both on practical and emotional levels. And in such scenarios, a skilled and qualified mediator can be the real game changer. They can make the people involved in the conflict understand the situation, think differently, understand the perspectives of the other party and hence make the process smoother and more efficient by finding a common ground.

Qualified Mediator

Mediation Offers Several Areas of Specialization

Mediation possesses several areas of practice. You can go for workplace conflicts in particular or family matters, depending upon your field of interest. Mediators also work with community organizations, deal with contract disputes, partnership dissolution, handle personal injury actions, and much more. Generally, mediators choose one or two areas of specialization and become experts in those fields based upon their choice on prior professional experience.

Learn Skills that Enhance Every Area of Your Life

Qualified mediators are masters of communication. They know how to read people, diffuse tension, manage emotions and facilitate open discussions. Mediators often help people focus on mutually beneficial outcomes. A mediator is a sharp thinker and problem solver with the ability to conceptualize issues from various angles and are naturally empathetic and intuitive. Also, there is an element of self-reflection and self-awareness in this field. Mediators are careful about the factors that may compromise their objectivity. They are usually mentally and emotionally well-developed and disciplined.

Author Information:

This article is written by Michael Gregory Consulting LLC. Michael Gregory is an expert, qualified mediator,  business valuer, and consultant. He is also an international speaker,  the author of 12 books and a certified virtual presenter. Know more at