The Holy Lands of the Bible is not just a tourist destination, but it is a journey for both the mind and the soul. Do you wonder walking on the path where Jesus walked? Do you wish to see the places where Jesus carried out His miracles? Never wonder! You will surely do all these things and more in the Holy Land with easy access. By taking the assistance of a reliable and reputed travel operator, you will surely experience your favourite desire and learn about Kings, Prophets and Disciples in the very place they transpired.

Holy Land is a holy place where history meets the present! The Biblical tours will take you to such a sacred place, where you find God’s feelings through the stories depicted in numerous biblical locations. The Biblical tour also lets you admire the regal architectural landscapes around it. Here is why Biblical tours to the Holy land is a lifetime experience. 

It’s Where Jesus Was Born, Crucified and Resurrected

Holy Land has so many histories and has endless stories about a time and place that you may not hear about. Not only that, it was so surreal to you as you get the opportunity to walk on the ground where Jesus Born, Walked, Crucified and Resurrected. If you base it on the Bible, it’s actually where everything started, and you can only imagine how amazing it will make you feel. You will see the very place where all such things happened. Biblical tours make you understand and appreciate the Bible better than you’ll ever have.

It’s Safe for Tourists

The biblical sites of Jordan and Jerusalem such as Gadera, Anjara, Baptism Site, Jerusalem, Bethany, Nazareth are safe to visit all year round. Every location is controlled and guarded correctly, ensuring that tourists will get the best out of their tour without worrying about their safety. Of course, you still have to look after your belongings and always be vigilant when travelling abroad!

You’ll Have lots of Fun.

Biblical tours not only let you explore the Holy Land but explore the architecture, and as many unique activities to do. You will definitely enjoy swimming in the Dead Sea. It is one of the lowest place in the world, where you will find hyper-saline water that makes your floating incredibly easy. You will get the opportunity to ride camels, play on the dune, sleep under the moon with Bedouins, and even simply shop at stores! Explore one of the new Seven Wonders of the World and UNESCO World Heritage Site of Petra. It is the centuries-old city & monument imprinted profoundly on the rose cliffs. You will never find a place like Petra elsewhere on this planet.

There’s Good Food

You will get a wide range of food choices while you are in Holy Land. Everything you eat there will taste fresh. The vendors grow the vegetables, fruits, fishes on their own and deliver them straight to the markets and restaurants. So, if you want a fresh dining experience, this is the place for you to visit.

You, Will Be Inspired

Everyone should visit the Holy land! There are countless reasons to visit the holy place, reasons which are all-too-often overlooked and ignored. Your heart will be moved by the things you will learn and experience about Holy Land, no matter if you are a devoted Christian or someone just curious about Christianity. You may read several passages written in the Bible, but Biblical tours are a unique way to experience it in real life. 

Conclusion:To create your religious pilgrimage tour or Biblical tours, contact the only company to fulfill your travel dream is Go Jordan Tours and Tourism. They are well known to provide tailored vacations for travellers to Jordan for decades. Their experience in travelling the country is beyond expectations! They are happy to offer tailor-made Biblical tours, which have been exceptional for the travellers as well. For a consultation or to create a holiday of a lifetime, please call them at +962-797-500048 today!

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GO JORDAN TRAVEL & TOURISM is a renowned tour operator that's totally committed to offer visitors with quality Jordan holidays. We have more than 20 years in this industry and the combined knowledge of our staff ensure even the smallest detail isn't overlooked while planning your vacation.

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