Top 7 Move-In Day Tasks You Mustn’t Ignore


Congratulations! After weeks of planning & preparation, you’ve finally entered your new home. Take a few minutes to breathe easy as all the heavy lifting is finally done with the help of professional movers in Arlington VA. Don’t get too easy just yet, as the day isn’t over. Ensure you check out these below listed move-in day tasks, so the transition to your new home stays as enjoyable as possible.

Ensure all utilities are in proper working order:

The last and worst thing you wish to do is shift into a new house or apartment with no running water, electricity, gas or heat. Double check to ensure all utilities are in proper working order, and in the event if you face any problem just get in touch with the necessary service provider to help you.

Organize your boxes:

If you have used one of the best moving companies in Arlington VA, your boxes will most probably be in the right room, but it doesn’t take much time to check twice that boxes are placed in the right room to make unpacking easier.

Unpack all your essentials:

Unpack all your necessary stuff such as cleaning supplies, bedding, toiletries, clothes, etc. These items are what you’re going to use immediately after your move, so it’s critical to keep them accessible.


Prior to you begin unpacking, conduct a quick cleaning of your home to eliminate any dirt from the move. Believe us you will make your unpacking process much easier & less stressful in a clean space.

Take care of pets:

Relocation can be stressful especially on pets, so it’s critical to ensure your pets are properly taken care of during move-in day. Ensure an eating and a bathroom and sleeping area is clearly designed for them.

Take a shower:

After an entire day of moving around and trying to settle into your new house, find some time to unpack your shower essentials and go for a nice rejuvenating bath. Trust us this will make your sleeping much easier that night.

Get your bed ready:

By the end of the day, you’ll be completely tired, so having your bed ready for a restful night sleep is really essential.


It’s only natural for you to want to get everything finished in just one day so that you can relish living in your new house, but this is impractical. Take your time for unpacking things, take breaks in between, and most importantly move ahead with a practical approach. Do whatever is within your limit and don’t overwork yourself. And last but not the least, don’t forget to give thanks to your movers in Arlington VA for their hard work and dedication.

Author bio:

This article is written by Arlington Moving Company – a trustworthy supplier of residential and commercial movers in Arlington VA.